Sunday, May 6, 2012

Letters I would never send #1

Dear you,

I don't want to hate you. I really did like you when I first met you. I really thought we could be good friends. But the more I get to know you, the more you piss me off.

I'm sick and tired of you using your break up as an excuse and prior to that you using your ex. An excuse for what, you might ask. Your excuse for the way you act, you excuse for why you are what you are. I personally hate, HATE, people who pretend to be someone they're not. Sooner or later I will find out and I won't like it. It's happened before an it's happening now. If you were honest with what type of a person you are to start with, I think I would be less harsh with you now, mind you, we might not be friends, but at least I knew what I was getting myself into. Don't get me wrong, I don't consider myself as a person who has the perfect friends. I have friends who are douche bags. And yet I'm willing to deal with them, cause I knew they were asshole since the beginning. But now, with you... I feel betrayed, lied to, and anger.

When you were sad, I felt bad for you. I really want to help you feel better, but by then we were already drifting apart.I don't know exactly when it started, but I have a rough idea on when it really took off.

Its gotten to a point where anything that comes out of your mouth, strikes a nerve. I also can't believe some of the situations you put me through. Some might say it's your honest/blunt personality. Whatever it might be, it's not for me.

It's not your fault. I'm starting to see you for who you are. And... you're not a person who I want to be friends with/ the friend you want me to be (we might still be associates, but nothing more). Don't ever change, because people obviously like you. I guess I'm the one who's changing/ a douche bag/ not knowing what she wants.

I wish you the best.


1 comment:

  1. Don't worry too much about it, friends come and go. Some people make friends easier than others, but at least you know that the friends you got are real friends ;)
