Saturday, March 26, 2011


ok so i lied....

i was suppose to get off my ass and start blogging again.. BUT then things got out of hand.
A turn for the better or for the worst? i don't know yet.

but! i will promise.. that when i final stop having to think about my future or writing papers.. i will post... and hopefully have something intelligent to say instead of ranting about how my life sucks.

though.... the people who are watching from the sideline i know are having a blast.. >> yeah i see you all standing there....
since i'm still day dreaming.. i might as well show you my find of the day...

Spidercat, Spidercat,
Does whatever a spider can
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves just like flies
Look Out!
Here comes the Spidercat.


  1. or coughstopthinkingaboutboyscough.........aww that's cute xD

  2. Aaaaah that's the cutest spidercat I've ever seen (doesn't matter it's the only one I've ever seen lol)
    and lol abeer XD true that huh mawyy?
    And lol if you can't rant on your blog, where else can you? I say you should just rant it off :)
