Monday, December 27, 2010

Wanted: Good TV Shows

It's been a very boring time for me. As you can see... I've been uploading Shows that I've been watching.
I think i'm going to continue uploading shows that I've seen (yeah i've got no life.. and i'm bored)
but I'm still on the look out for more shows to watch.

Do you have any suggestions?


  1. Well, I see you like a bit of science-fiction right ? :D I'd recommend you to watch Stargate Atlanis, only the best show everr XD

  2. Cool, I've seen the commericals but never watched it.. I will check it out now. Thanks^^
    any other ones?

  3. No problem, btw lol I couldn't get on your blog :S but Abeer gave me your new link, so here I am again :P

    and did you get the time to watch Stargate Atlantis? There's a previous series related to it, Stargate SG-1, but it has like 8 seasons or something XD idk if you're up to that. And there's another one, Stargate universe, which is the latest and ongoing.

    I'm also watching Sanctuary atm, which is okay. Also sci-fi/adventure I guess.
    And my fav series atm is Vampire Diaries, but lol I'm kinda watching that for Ian Somerhalder <3333333 hehe obviously a vampire show :)

  4. btw lol I realize, I watch toooooo many series -__-;

  5. Community!
    Battlestar Galactica's pretty good too.
